Happy to announce that either late today or within the next few days I will be releasing the ScatterBrain Magazine Style Wordpress Theme.
The Infinity Wordpress theme was featured on Smashing Magazine last week and had a great setup for a portfolio style site as the theme uses thumbnails as visual representation for all your posts/pages. “The theme was designed by Zhang Yichi, the creative mind behind Vikiworks Studio from Shanghai, China especially for Smashing Magazine and…
Why did I choose PNG vs GIF? GIF files will allow for a transparent background, but PNG files will allow for transparent backgrounds as well as altered opacity values.
I received an invite to Brightkite.com the other day and first impressions are that it’s a pretty cool idea. Think of the messaging of a twitter/plurk but based more around your current location. So instead of just putting your current status you also “check in” to where you are. There’s a search field on…
4th version of my site is proudly powered by a Wordpress backend. For now I still need to make major updates across the board but I felt that I should start to slowly let things go live because if I wait any longer I may never get this up and running.