Maintaining multiple WordPress instances can get tedious, especially if it’s the same updates across WP Core, site enhancements, theme updates or plugin updates.
By creating a WordPress Framework (Parent Theme) a common core structure was able to function as the blueprint for many Agora and MarketWise company websites. These sites functioned as an archive for e-letter content, a pass-through site for Marketing e-letter opt-in pages, displaying legal policies and disclaimers as well as brand recognition for products and editors. SEO focused and ADA compliant these sites were usually the first point of contact for any new or existing subscribers across the various brands and companies.
These sites supported the heavy direct response funnel done via email and required supporting Marketing efforts through various touch points.
The Legacy Research WordPress Framework supports the following customizations:
- E-letter tracking and analytics to Snowflake
- Dynamic Ads
- SalesForce Marketing Cloud Interaction Studio
- Dynamic Legal Copy management
- Dynamic Opt-In form management
- Dynamic Product and Author management
By having a unified WordPress Framework the build and release pipelines (CI/CD) could also be shared so that only one deployment was necessary across multiple servers and sites.
The Legacy Research WordPress Framework is a base theme with core functionality that is recommended to be supplemented with a WordPress Child Theme. The Child Theme provides branding customization, the ability to override parent files, and the ability to add theme customizations without affecting the Legacy Research WordPress Framework (Parent Theme).
The Agora and MarketWise, Inc. (MKTW)
Agora and MarketWise are leaders in the financial newsletter space. The WordPress framework is used by the following Agora and MarketWise financial research publishing companies:
Andy Krieger
Brownstone Research
Casey Research
Gulfport Analytics
Jeff Clark Trader
Legacy Research Group
MarketWise Publishing
New Paradigm Research
Opportunistic Trader
Palm Beach Confidential
Palm Beach Research Group
Rogue Economics
Wide Moat Research